Only a few steps are necessary to get a cool and radiant look! Important: The eyelid must be degreased and dry. At first it is best to dab off no greasing skin water and a cotton swab or pad
With a pair of tweezers or your fingernail you take the stripe carefully of the film. The easiest way is when you slowly slide the nail under a corner of the stripe. Is this corner on the nail, the stripe can easily be peeled off.
Put the head in the neck, tilt and look straight in the mirror. In this position, the eyelid crease is best revealed. Depending on the shape of the eye and the texture of the skin smooth the lid, gently place the stripe in the crease and press it down with two fingers easily.
As each eye is different, there are no general rules, where to place the stripe accurately. It is also difficult to tell which size (S or M) is the best. A general advice is: small stripes for normal, sagging eyes and large stripes for drooping eyelids.
But best of all is to test both versions with your first application and then choose the stripe with the best effect.
At the beginning you will need some stripes to find the right position. Try to stick the stripe lower, higher, more inwardly or outwardly. Be patient in your testing even when you have difficulties at the beginning. Please use always a new stripe on the next attempt. The used stripe can easily be pulled off like a plaster.
If you've fond the best position, you can apply your make-up as usual. But please pat on the eyeshadow, do not rub it!
Very important: Do not give up if it does not work the first time. MAGICSTRIPES can be used by all women/men of all ages. Especially with droopy eyelids, tired, small eyes or drooping eyelids you can achieve great results!